The York Theatre

2885 24th St. | map

Opening: Sometime around 1907. It's listed in the 1907-1908 edition of "Henry's Official Theatrical Guide" as at 24th and York. Henry's is on Google Books. They listed the managers as Bauer & Adamson.

Seating: 300 was the number given in the Henry's listing. 235 showed up on a later list. 

The York was listed among the theatres that were participating in a Children's Hospital benefit in this article from the May 27, 1911 issue of The Film Index


 Thanks to Jack for locating this list via Internet Archive. 

The theatre didn't get a listing in the 1911, 1912 or 1913 city directories.

The south side of 24th St. between Florida St. and York St. as seen page 617 of the 1914 Sanborn Map. The York Theatre is on the left, three buildings east of Florida, the street on the left side of the image. The Photoplay Theatre is toward the right, three buildings east of Bryant, the street running up the center of the image. Thanks to Art Siegel for locating this via the Library of Congress collection.

A closer look at the York Theatre block with Florida St. on the left and Bryant on the tight. The theatre is shown as "Moving Pictures" at 2885 24th. 
Free movies at the York, Garrick and the Panama in 1913 as part of a land sales deal. Somehow they thought the York was at 24th and Howard:  

Thanks to Art Siegel for locating this ad in the August 20, 1913 SF Call. The issue is on the website of the California Digital Newspaper Collection. They list the Garrick as Fillmore St. when it was actually on Ellis. The Panama they have as being on 24th St. We had two running under that name at the time, neither on 24th. One was at 1025 Market, the other was at 4621 Mission.

The York isn't listed in the 1914 city directory but is listed again in 1915.

Final closing: Evidently around 1925. Art notes that it's in the city directory that year, still with the 2885 address. It's not in the 1926 edition.

Status: It's been demolished.  Art notes that it appears to be a different building appearing on the 1950 Sanborn map.

More information: There isn't any.

Nearby: Brava Theatre, 2781 24th -- also called the York for a spell | Photoplay Theatre, 2833 24th | 

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